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Internal communication and participation

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Representation mechanisms of the workers and communication with management (S_05)

Two representatives of the Trade Union Organisations, one for UGT and another for CC.OO, are on the Board of Directors of Huelva Port Authority.

In the year in question, elections were held for the legal representation of the workers of the Entity. The Works Council was set up with a total of nine number: five representing the CC.OO trade union, three representing the UGT trade union and one representing the C.T.P.A. union.

Along with the Works Council, a unit representation, the legal representation of the workers of the Entity is through the delegates of each of the Trade Union Sections (CC.OO, C.T.P.A and UGT).

The Works’ Councils regularly meets with Management to discuss matters of interest. The committees required to ensure workers can participate in the life of the company have also been set up.


Mechanisms for the technical participation of workers in improving the production processes(S_06)

In general, they are joint committees, which discuss matters related to the production process, the organisation of the work, application of current legislation, prevention and safety, etc.

They are as follows:

  • Local Skills Committee.
  • Local Agreement Negotiating Committee.
  • Health and Safety Committee.
  • Equality Plan Negotiating Committee.
  • Pension Plan Committee.
  • Loan Committee.
  • Tribunals for the external or internal covering of posts.
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